Clean Water Act, Section 404; Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10
DWR has submitted a (amended) Department of the Army permit application pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 404 permit application) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to request authorization for the Delta Conveyance Project activities in waters of the United States.
Section 404 and Section 10 Processes
Required for projects that propose to discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States (Section 404) and for activities in, under, or over navigable waters (Section 10).
Submit application
USACE makes jurisdictional determination on waters of the US and navigable waters
USACE public notice of permit application
Submit supporting documentation
USACE issues permit under Section 404 and Section 10

- Section 404 Amended Permit Application Cover Letter (July 2022)
- Section 404 – Additional Information to Support the Amended Permit Application (July 2022)*
- Section 404 Amended Permit Application Letter (November 2021)
- Section 404 Permit Application Cover Letter (June 2020)
- Section 404 Permit Application (June 2020)**
*To request a copy of the attachments please
** To request a copy of the Attachment 1, Mapbook, please email: