About the Delta Conveyance Project

The Delta Conveyance Project will modernize water infrastructure in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta by making physical improvements to how we capture and move water during wet years for use in dry years with a tunnel system. The  Delta Conveyance Project is intended to restore the reliability of the State Water Project and ensure California’s largest supply of clean and affordable water for 27 million people and 750,000 acres of farmland is protected from earthquakes and climate-driven weather extremes. This page contains information and resources related to various aspects of the project.


Quick Questions

Episode 1: What is Delta Conveyance?

Episode 2: Why is California’s Major Water Supply at Risk?

Episode 3: How Will the Delta Conveyance Project Protect our Water Supplies?

Episode 4: How Much Water Could the Project Save?

Episode 5: How would a tunnel help protect water supply in an earthquake?

Episode 6: Why Do We Need Additional Export Facilities?

Episode 7: How Will the Project Take Into Account the Needs of the Fish?

Episode 8: How Do the Fish Screens Work?

Deep Dives

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Intakes and Fish Screens

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Fisheries

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Building the Tunnel (Part 1)

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Building the Tunnel (Part 2)

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Environmental Justice Community Survey

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Seismic Risk (Part 1)

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Seismic Risk (Part 2)

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Financing the Project

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Allocations (Part 1)

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Allocations (Part 2)

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Climate Change

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: State Water Project Operations

Delta Conveyance Deep Dive: Soil Investigations